See A Smarter Commute At Work
Enter the number of employees at your company to see how riding together can positively impact your business.
Employees at your company
Freed up in parking spots
in yearly employee savings
pounds of carbon emissions reduced annually
Enjoy the Ride And The Savings
Enter the number of miles to calculate your commute savings.
Your round trip commute in miles
in yearly savings
hours of drive time back annually
fewer miles of annual wear and tear on your vehicle
To calculate your number of likely participants, we assume 20% of your employees have a commute greater than 20 miles and that 50% of those commuters would join, based on our reporting.
Potential Participants = (Number of Employees x .20) x .50
Yearly Carbon Savings = (Average Monthly Route Mileage for Enterprise Commuters/Average Vehicle MPG) x (Potential Participants - Potential Vehicles) x (Pounds of CO2 Released Per Gallon of Fuel) X 12
Yearly Employee Savings = Potential Participants x Average Monthly Mileage of Enterprise Commuters x 12 X (AAA Operating Cost per Mile - Cost to Commute with Enterprise per mile). AAA costs are associated with owning & operating a vehicle including fuel, maintenance, and depreciation.
Freed Up Parking Spots = Potential Participants – Potential Commuter Vehicles
Estimates based on 2023 Commute with Enterprise reporting, 2023 AAA costs associated with operating a vehicle and U.S EPA Calculator. Assumes 5 day work week in office.
To calculate your number of likely participants, we assume 20% of your employees have a commute greater than 20 miles and that 50% of those commuters would join, based on our reporting.
Potential Participants = (Number of Employees x .20) x .50
Yearly Carbon Savings = (Average Monthly Route Mileage for Enterprise Commuters/Average Vehicle MPG) x (Potential Participants - Potential Vehicles) x (Pounds of CO2 Released Per Gallon of Fuel) X 12
Yearly Employee Savings = Potential Participants x Average Monthly Mileage of Enterprise Commuters x 12 X (AAA Operating Cost per Mile - Cost to Commute with Enterprise per mile). AAA costs are associated with owning & operating a vehicle including fuel, maintenance, and depreciation.
Freed Up Parking Spots = Potential Participants – Potential Commuter Vehicles
Estimates based on 2023 Commute with Enterprise reporting, 2023 AAA costs associated with operating a vehicle and U.S EPA Calculator. Assumes 5 day work week in office.